My online Journal

July '04

Last Entry

July 30, 2004
Pretty good day...
I woke up and then i got ready for work and went to work and found out that my manager has made the next schedules for like 2 I'm happy cause now I know when I'm going to be working ahead of time! YAY!  That's awesome.    Then I wrote like 3 letters to one person...dang that's hard to do, well I forgot to write some stuff in them, so I had to write them another one cause I had sealed the envelope, and i had spend like hours doing it for them and I didn't want to ruin it for them so I wrote them a completely different letter each time...yikes!  So yea that was cool and took a lot of time.  Then my brother came home with his brand new car (Ford Focus) that was cool and we hung out together for awhile tonight and he drove all around and I just talked with him, and it was awesome.  Then i got home and talked to some people, cleaned my room, and read my Bible for a really long time because I want to get everything that God want's me to get before I go up to Yosemite for a week.  Yeah, so that's all I'm doing pretty much, I'll be getting back to this in a week or so, cause tomorrow's my last day here, and then i'm gone!  So bye ya'll~

July 29, 2004

Pretty good day.

I woke up early and went to breakfast with my mom and brother today and then we had fun just sitting and talking.  Then my mom and brother went out and went car shopping for him and I stayed home and made a couple of phone calls and watched some T.V., well at about 11:30 I realized that I had forgotten to call my friend at 10:30..YIKES! So I called her and we talked for like 10 minutes before someone needed to use the phone at her house, and for the rest of the day we were talking on and off because ppl needed to use the phones at our houses.  Then I went to work, and was in a totally good mood because my friends letter that she sent like 1 week ago finally arrived (when she sent everyone in my family one at the same time and they got there's 2 days later!!! GRRR!) Oh well.  Then I came home and talked to some family friends for awhile and that was cool.  Finally for my last 2 things to do on my to-do list was take some important forms over to my friends house for our Yosemite trip and lastly update my main website tons!  So now I"m pretty wiped and I gotta get up early for work, so I shall write back tomorrow night!

July 28, 2004


Wow, today was excellent.  I woke up around 9:30 or 10:00ish and then my mom and I ran a couple erands and then went to Kohls out in Corona and shopped around out there...I got a whole new outfit and stuff that I can't wait to wear.  Then I got home and I took a shower and did my hair really quick and then Christina called and we went to church.  My other friend Staush surprised me by being there, because he lives out in Riverside.  So that was a blast we played some fooseball and all that good stuff and talked a little bit, and then when I went to show him my car I ran over a curb...interestingly embarrassing!!!  Yeah, so that was my day, oh then after that I went Christina's house and we had some ice cream and then I went home.  YAY!

July 26, 2004


Hey guys I had an okay day, I finished up packing for Yosemite and all that fun stuff and then I went to Costco and Mervyns with my mom so that was tight.  I got a visor for Yosemite so then I don't have to worry so much about sun-glasses.  Then I was sitting and my friend, Michelle, called me and I was all happy because I was bored half to death so she and I got to talk for almost three hours before Joe came home and talked to her, but I'm all okay with that because I got to talk to her for awhile lol.  Alright well I had better get going I'm tired, so I'll catch ya guys later!

July 25, 2004


Hey guys...I am very excited about the Yosemite trip I am about to go's less than a week away now.  I can't wait to see what exciting things God has planned for me...I hope and pray that no matter what happens to me that I would rejoice up there.  I know that He has a great week planned for me and something I don't even know is going to happen to me up there and I can't wait to see what it is.  But today I went to church and heard AN AWESOME SERMON, oh it spoke to me so much!  Then I went to lunch with some family friends and that was a total blast actually I really enjoyed it...right after that I got to go to the meeting for Yosemite and learn a little bit more about the current conditions up there...after that I came home and watched just a little t.v.  Then I went to church and got to hear the testimonies of those who went to Costa Rica and so that was awesome to hear to then after that my family and I ate some Taco Bell and yea that was it pretty much...oh and I'm all packed up for Yosemite cause I can't wait! hehehe!

July 24, 2004


Wow, much has happened since the last time I wrote in this journal.  Well, it's been a year now that I've had my own website, that's one thing, another is that I no longer have a dog...and let's see...I've gone to one doctor cause I got really sick, my friend Michelle, from Utah, came down and she and my brother are now an's so cute...and Michelle and I have become best of friends writting letters and e-mails and IMing each other non-stop, and I am almost done paying my debt!  That's an awesome thing, except for about 500 more dollars is soon gonna be added on for new tires...oh well, it'll never end will it?

I have one more week here in my lovely home before I am off to Yosemite, where I will take a lot of pictures and meet lots of cool people and get close to them.  I know that God will show me some totally awesome things up there, and I am excited to see what He will do.  If you look back on the last year, a lot of different stuff has happened and I have changed a lot from it all.

Today I got to work a 12-2 shift which was kinda nice cause then I didn't have to work the night shift and close today.  That was nice because I haven't had a Saturday night where I haven't closed in forever.  I finally got my hair appointment to cut off all my hair and oh yeah, I got an infection in my eyes again, so I can't wear contacts right now and I can't really see well, so aren't I lucky?  Well I had better get going...I got some letters to write I'll catch ya'll later...

July 1, 2004
My day was totally excellent I got to stay in bed till 11 a.m. Way Too Happy , no not sleeping till 11 but staying in yea then I got up and got to go to lunch with my mom and brother and then my mom and I went to Stater Bro's to p/u the groceries.  That was fun I guess.  Then I got home took a shower and went to work.  Work was pretty good, till about 6:30 then it got like a typical Friday night, and of course we're short handed b/c it is Thursday Crazy .  So that was soooo tiring.  Well then the joy of me coming home and my mom telling me that my dog was gonna be put down tomorrow just threw in the towel Sobbing .  I know my dog has to go, I know that she's too sick and everything, but I don't know, I'm not ready for her to be gone... Bye Bye