My online Journal

June '04

Last Entry
June 2, 2004
ENERGY Bouncy 8 
Ok so I really don't know what to do with all the extra energy I have from not having crutches or anything like that...and that's a good thing I guess.  Today I got to drive to school and that was a fun little dealio, and stuff, then I went and picked up my yearbook during 5th period, and my teacher didn't even care... Shock 2 oh well...then I came home and my friend called me about the project, and holly cow my internet was/is still down, it's going so speratically that I can't e-mail her the thing I need to...Then I went to church and it was  a totally excellent lesson and was all on Repentence, and it was totally convicting man Hmm 2 I've heard so many sermons on it before but none like this anyways, yea that was my fun day...g2g...
June 1, 2004
Good day Thumbs Up ...
Oh man I was able to go to school without crutches and all so I was totally happy Wakka Wakka .  Yearbooks arrived today but I"m going to wait till tomorrow to pick up mine.  I can't believe I'm going to be a senior so soon!  When I came home from school my internet was down and stayed down the whole evening and that was frustrating   especially since I was supposed to e-mial my project to one of my friends, and well I can't really...I also was supposed to go to drama practice from 4-7:30 and all, but when I got home I fell asleep and didn't wake up till it was too late Oh Jeez .