My online Journal

Winter Retreat '04

Last Entry

January 30-February 1st 2004
High School!

January 30, 2004
It was so great to leave for the retreat right after school.  I arrived at church and we all got in groups to leave for the retreat.  My car got to leave earlier b/c we had to go and run some errands and p/u some prizes.  So we went to Starbux and Juice Stop and got some gift certificates and then we were going to go and get a Chinese Jump rope and some other random things cause we fig'd that some girls might like that.  Well, it took us about an hour on the freeway to go from Imperial onramp to the Weir Canyon offramp!  I felt like an idiot, we could have gotten on at Gypson Canyon and saved an hour or two! LOL...oh well.  We were toward the end of San Bernadino and Melissa got sick so we had to stop and get some medicine for her.  Then we looked and we were low on gas so we had do go and do that.  And then more probs happened like we realized we still had one more prize to p/u so we just got another Starbux card.  Now it's like 7ish.  We start headin up the mountains and it becomes super foggy! That was  pain!  Then Pastor Steve calls us up on the cell phone and apparently the group that left the church at 5 got there before us.  He then informed us that the road we needed to turn off onto was hard to see.  So the driver kept turning off at every turn out to make sure it wasn't a road...I never realized how many turnouts there was on a mountainous road...but I assure you it's a lot.  We got lost on the way, there was a road that we took eventually (it too was hard to see) and it ended up being a rich area and so after driving around about 10 mins. we realized, it must not be the right place.  So we continued on up and found the right place evenutally.  (That's another hour for ya), and then we finally got there, after dinner was over.  We go to get some food and I look at the meet and my friend Matt leans over to me and says "You know what that is right?  It's liver!" Well i was done for the evening, no food for me~
Got up in the morning and they had a homemade Egg McMuffin sandwhiches....first of all I don't like eggs, sausage, or english muffins....hmmm all the ingrediants of what they used...niiice.  I figured if that was the best the food was oging to get then I'd better choke it down just in case it got worse.  Later on after having about 4 or 5 Bible Studys that were totally awesome a group of us went down to town and bought some totally random things.  I stocked up on some food and filled myself completely up.  I was happy then.  Frank bought a bottle of Tobasco sauce for the talent show he told me, and I just thought nothin of it.  On the way back we pilled up the back of a p/u truck w/ snow to throw at the leaders and other fellow retreaters when we got back to camp.  It was loads of fun when we got back, snow everywhere! Oh and I can't forget to tell you how awesome the scenery was.  I'm so bummed I forgot the camera, well I'm gonna steal my friends pics. when she gets them and then I'll put 'em up on a separate page for ya guys who are actually interested.  Well later on that night two guys got saved and it was totally awesome.  We then had the talent show which was...uhhh interesting...and great when Frank got up and well he chugged the bottle of Tobasco sauce!  He didn't even sit all the way back down in his seat when he got up and ran outta the room to throw up the rest of the about hilarious...I'm gonna have to get that vid. for all ya!
~Today we had to pack and clean and was such a sad thing...We then prayed and did the hokey-pokey and about random, yea...The weekened was great and the Y.G. is totally way more unified now.  I'm happy about that.  We got back late, well my group did this time again (I even drove in a differ. car to keep that from happening!) But then we got back and I was glad to be home again.  But I wasn't home more than 10 min. and I left for the evening church was very good.

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