My online Journal

February '04

Last Entry

Monday - February 22, 2004

OMGosh, I got like 7 hours of sleep.  That's the most sleep I've gotten in I don't know how long!  (That's so sad but so true.)  Ok, well here my day goes for ya guys...I woke up and went to school, worked on a cool perspective art project and then read Huckleberry Finn, the boringest book in my opinion, then went to math and learned about the number e...then I got to go to wonderful Spanish, oh what a joy, it wasn't too abd today except she assigned another project!  What the heck is up with that?!  Ok then I went to my History class and he gave us busy work and then I went to be the Library aide and got hammered with magazines and books!  It was crazy!  Ok so school ended and I came home and actually finished my h.w. b4 work!  Then I went to work and that was actually fun.  Then I came home and zoned on some T.V.  It was pure greatness...oh and my mom was so sweet she did all my laundry for me!  I Luv her soooo much!

February 12, 2004
I spent the last 48 hours doing two crazy projects!  Whew, but they're over now, and in my history project I had some weird junk, like a Mr. Clean theme song commercial, Klondike bar, and Frosted Flakes added in.  Yeah! Talk about great stuff.  Then I had a Spanish Project where I had to re-create a famous painting, LOTS OF TIME invested in it, and I pretty much know that I've failed it...b/c I forgot what i had to say in it.  This morning when I got ready for school and all and it was time to go my mom looks at me and tells me I need to drive!  I'm like...DUDE CRAZY!  Cause like all the teens drivin to Esperanza are crazy and then add me!  So I did that and I thank you Chrissy once again for letting me park at your house!  You're such a sweetie!  Art was fun we just messed around again.  Language Arts is killing me, we are studying Grammar, and OH MY  GOSH, it's so boring, oh and we have an essay due on Tuesday.  Math was great, I got to talk to Jackie again.  History was cool we got to talk a lot, and then found that we have 2 essay's due on Tuesday.  Library Aid was not so great....Great until the guy I work with went off on how "Christians" make him angry.  Hmmm would you say someone seriously messed his view with them?  I would...yeah, all because I said I'm on the drama team for my church.  Great stuff.  Then I drove home.  Tried to sleep, didn't work, my parents left to a Dr.'s appoint. so I tried to sleep againt hinking it'd be quieter, nope...Joe came home.  So I gave up and watched a movie.  Yep there's my day for ya!

February 9th, 2004

Wow, I had a great weekend.  But this is only about anyways I was plannin on sleeping in today but my mom came in and woke up up around 8:30ish asking me to do things with her, she made it sound like I got up and checked my e-mail hoping that my group from my History class and e-mailed me everything I needed to put our powerpoint together, and well, only 1 out of the 6 people e-mailed me what we needed, and so therefore, I am forced to just not even worry about it.  I then went with my mom to target and we picked up a lot of things there, and Oo! I got a pair of shoes for $4.25 and $3.25 I was soo happy, I wasn't going to buy them, but my mom looked at the price and refused to not get them.  Then we went to a place called Kelly's Paper or something like that and picked up some papers for something that our church wants to do on a women's retreat.  Then we went to Micheals and Joanns Fabrics for the same reason.  It was a real blast.  LOL...Then we came home and I worked on my project, or what I could of my history project, worked with my spanish project partner over the phone, and did all my make-up Spanish work.  Amazingly enough I got stressed out and watched some T.V. and then wrote some more in my book and then yea that's it.  My day, amazing huh?